Random thoughts of a would-be knitter

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Autumn Glory

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
Albert Camus

We’ve had another warm and mellow autumn weekend, so D and I packed up a picnic and paid a visit to Stourhead to admire the beautiful autumn colours. It was the busiest that we’ve ever seen it, but that did nothing to diminish the beauty of the place. I feel really lucky that we have such a wonderful National Trust property within such a short drive. And I’m glad that we really do get to make the most of it.

On the needles, I am back on track with my lacy tea top. It’s still not quite perfect on one row, but it is close enough (and I don’t think that I could bear to undo it yet again)! Luckily, the mistake is on the back of the top, near the bottom, so I’m hoping that no one will notice, and I shall try very hard not to point it out!

My sister’s Toasties are also coming along nicely, and should be finished by the next time I post. This is fortunate as A and I have decided on Mum’s Christmas present this year and it is to be the lovely Shalom cardigan by Meghan, published on her lovely blog Involving the Senses. I’ve chosen some wool from Pavi Yarns. It’s a Louet Riverstone Chunky in the fabulously named Foxy Fucshia. I shall be casting on just as soon as the wool gets through the postal strike. Grrr!

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