Random thoughts of a would-be knitter

Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Blog, New Project

I've just got back from an afternoon with Libby in the Cathedral Close of Salisbury, learning how to magic cast on and make toe-up socks using the Widdershins pattern.

The magic cast on is something akin to rocket science, and caused some pretty colourful language, while I dropped and picked up any number of stitches. Luckily the lovely Liblet is an extremely patient teacher, and had bought everything with her for a very helpful lesson. Sitting on her fabulous purple quilt with 'string and pointy sticks' and in beautiful surroundings I tried very hard to be a patient student.

It started to get a bit cold so we moved into a nearby cafe and with a cup of tea and a lot of help my sock soon progressed to looking a little bit more toe-like. (Although there is a very small hole on one side which I shall have to stitch!) She assures me that once I've finished the increase rows it will get much less spider-like and become a bit more fun...

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