Random thoughts of a would-be knitter

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Gorgeous Joe!

My dear friends Angie and Robin sent me this lovely picture of their baby son Joe, who was born just over six weeks go. Isn't he just gorgeous? And he's modeling the teal Debbie Bliss baby jumper that I made for him too...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Work in Progress

It's been a while since I last posted an entry, but I've not stopped knitting. I've been working my way through the list and have knitted a cell sock for my sister's birthday. Piney's mittens and even a co-ordinated hat from Knitty's Calorimetry pattern, although I have still got to block, press and finish them off. I'm also precisely half way through one pair pf pink socks for my sister. I have so many things that I want to do, but never seem to have the time to finish things off...

I'm also nearly finished with Jenny's baby jumper, I would have finished it ages ago, but I managed to either run out of wool (or not buy enough in the first place)! More wool has fortunately arrived thanks to the wonders of internet shopping. I've got some lovely yarn for Nic and Andrew's baby, and I'll need to buy even more as I've had the wonderful news that Claire and her boy Nigel are also expecting. I'm not buying the wool just yet as their mid-December scan will determine (and I quote Claire here) "the sex of the piglet"!