Sorry for the distinct lack of activity here over the last few months -
there never seems to be quite enough time in the week and I don't know if I'm
trying to cram too much in, but what with one thing and another, I've
been a little bit busy. There are so many books that I want to read, so many places that I want to go, things to see and do, so many projects that I want to make and there's the garden too. If only there was an extra day in the week! I am trying to be disciplined and only read one book at a time, only have one project on the needles at a time, but starting and finishing have become a little blurred and I'm really just a bit rubbish at sticking to one thing at a time!
One thing that has been taking up quite a lot of time is the running that I've been doing. My dear friend Piney inspired me to sign up for a place on the
Bupa Great South Run, a 10-mile road race around the city of Portsmouth, which I am now running on behalf of the charity that I volunteer for,
Cruse Bereavement Care. It's definitely hard work and although I thought I wouldn't make it, I am now starting to feel a bit more confident about the forthcoming race. I think I might even be (... gasp ...) starting to enjoy running! My training schedule has involved an average of three runs every week and I'm now up to eight miles on my long runs, which takes me about an hour and a half. During the week, I have to limit myself to an hour and most of that will now be in the dark. (Can you see why I'm short on time.)

The garden continues to be wonderful and I have been finding winning ways with potatoes and discovered the joy of courgette carbonara and I'm really looking forward to the beetroot, leek and onion that are still to come out of the ground. Although absolutely beautiful, it is a little bit wild right now, but I have a few days holiday owing so I hope to be able to get everything ready for winter before it gets too wet and miserable. I have some seeds that I'd like to get in before the frosts and the weeds that have sprung up really need a good talking to! I've bought some bulbs for a bit of spring colour which will be something nice to look forward to.

On the needles, I have started (and actually finished) two baby dresses
and my first ever pair of socks! One of my New Year's resolutions (aside from finishing things!) was to learn how to knit socks and when the lovely Heather at
Born to Knit said she was going to be running a sock knitting workshop, I leapt at the chance. Seriously, what could be better than an entire day knitting - and learning something new at the same time? My idea of heaven. I have conquered the sock and can now turn a heel with confidence. I've even worn them on a wonderful trip to Stockholm, about which more anon...