I've also been making button bracelets as if they were going out of fashion. (Which I sincerely hope they won't!) I've had six requests in the last week, so it was very fortunate indeed that I had got a stash in just before Christmas. I'm thinking of investing in some more buttons and selling them through the fabulous Etsy site. In fact, I've just got back from a swim with a friend of mine and she's volunteered her very talented husband to help me set up a page. (Think that I might just take her up on that offer!)
I've also been doing some freelance work, which is quite time-consuming, but incredibly appreciated in financial terms. In fact, I really should be typing right now, rather than writing this.
On a lighter note, D and I have a new house guest in the form of a Cork Pixie called Pim! It would appear that he turned up while we were away over Christmas, when my dear friend Libby was around looking after the cat! We hadn't even noticed that he'd been living in a printer's block drawer on the stairs, until Libby asked if we'd noticed something hidden in plain sight! He was a roaring success at knitting club and Jenny J has even knitted him a little wife, who has been named Pam! Watch this space for news on any little corkettes...